What will happen if I do not reconnect my Tesla account?

Pairing your vehicle is a secure authorization mechanism that allows third-party applications, like ev.energy, to interact with and control certain features of your Tesla vehicle. It allows ev.energy to do things such as check your vehicle status and manage charging for you.

Without reconnecting your Tesla to ev.energy you’ll be unable to:

💰 Save Money - Get the best price by automatically charging your car during the lowest cost periods on your energy tariff, typically overnight.

🌳 Cut Carbon  - Reduce your emissions by optimising your EV charge sessions to match clean and renewable energy sources.

⚡ Get Rewarded - Don’t miss out on energy bill discounts, Amazon gift cards and rebates that you can earn by charging sustainably.

If you have a connected charger you’ll be able to smart charge without completing the re-authentication flow. However, pairing your vehicle enables you to unlock these additional benefits:

- Assess the car’s state-of-charge - for more accurate charging optimisation

- Track your ‘away from home’ charges - so we can consolidate your charge tracking within the ev.energy app

- Display battery % in the app

You can remove your Tesla’s connection to the ev.energy app at any time. Follow the instructions in this FAQ.

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