How do I connect my Emporia Charger to the App?

  1. Download the App - Play Store | App Store
  2. Select ‘Start set up’ to create an account. If you already have an account select ‘Log in’.
  3. If you’re creating an account, fill in the details presented including any utility code given within the invite code.
  4. Select your location within the map and add your home address details
  5. You will then need to link you vehicle. Either enter the vehicle’s registration details or select ‘Enter details manually’ and select the vehicle make and model
  6. You will then be asked to connect your charger. Select ‘Emporia’ from the charger list provided.
  7. It will now ask you to login to your Emporia account*. These are the details that were created/used in the ‘How do I connect my Emporia Charger to the Emporia app?’ stage**.
  8. If the charger has been setup correctly you will see the following page. If not then refer to the ‘Unable to connect Emporia charger within App?’ section and then if needed reach out to customer support.
  9. After the setup is complete. Select continue until you get on the landing page. Once there, hard close the app by closing the app and re-launching. You should now be able to see your charger connected. Refer to ‘Unable to connect Emporia charger within App’ if you are still stuck.
  10. From here, you should be fully setup, you can now proceed to enable smart charging and set a ready by time. When the charger is now connected, your vehicle will be ready to be used by the ready-by time.
* The email you submit needs to be your Emporia app account email address. It may or may not be the same email address as your account email address.
** Emporia has a known bug where users may not “Sign in with Google.” You must “Sign in with your email and password.” If you created your Emporia account using Sign in with Google, you’ll need to go back to your Emporia account, sign out, and create a new Emporia account with your email address and password. You should use the same email address as you did when you Signed in with Google. Once that’s complete, you can provide this email and password in the app.

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