How to commission a BG SyncEV charger?

After installing a BG SyncEV charger, there are a few steps to commission the unit before it is ready to use.

1. Within the charger packaging will be inclosed a commissioning leaflet with a QR code as shown below.

2. Using your mobile device camera, scan the QR code on this leaflet and you shall be taken to the following page in your web browser. Enter the charger ID number and click next.

3. If the charger is connected to the network you should be taken to the following page to see the status of the charger. Click next.

4. On the next page enter the customer's email and address at which the charger is installed. This needs to be the same email address that the user will want to use with the app as it is going to be required at a later stage to sign up to the app. Click next.

5. After entering these details, you will be taken to the following page and be asked to enter the customer's Meter Point Administration Number (MPAN). This can be found on the customer's electricity bill. Enter this and click next.

6. You have successfully commissioned this charger with Now advise the customer to download the app to their device and they are ready to create an account. Be sure to remind them to use the same email address used for commissioning.

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