How to connect your charger to

  1. Click on this link on your mobile web browser or a laptop
  2. Login with the credentials you created to use in the Zaptec Go App. Once logged in the web page will request access to your charger installation. To proceed you must grant access to be able to use your charger on the charging platform. You will then be presented a page which says ‘ was successfully granted permission.’ Click ‘OK’ to continue to the portal dashboard. The dashboard looks like the following:
  3. We now have one more step to connect to the backend OCPP platform
  4. From the dashboard page, click on ‘Installations’
  5. Select your charger from the installations page
  6. From the navigation page click on ‘Settings’ and then ‘Authentication’. From the 3 tick boxes, select ‘OCPP-J 1.6 authentication’. In the URL textbox enter the following URL as exact wss://{deviceId} and make sure the ‘Authorisation Required’ box is unticked, then click Save.
  7. Verify your charger is online and connected by following the steps:
    • From the navigation panel, click on ‘Chargers’
    • Select your charger from the list and then click on ‘Status’. Verify that your charger is online.
    • If for any reason, you notice any errors or see a message stating the OCPP server is disconnected as the following screenshot, there are two steps to take.
    • Firstly go back and check you have entered the correct OCPP URL under ‘Installations’ > ‘Select Charger’ > ‘Settings’ > ‘Authentication’ > ‘OCPP-J 1.6 Authentication’. The URL must read as wss://{deviceId}
    • Click Save and check the status of the charger.
    • If the error still persists, click on ‘Chargers’ > ‘Select Your Charger’ > ‘Settings’ > Make sure the Password text box under the OCPP Settings header is blank, click save and instantly click Restart Charger
    • After a couple of minutes check back on the charger status page and you should see your charger is online without errors.
  8. Now your charger is setup and has granted permissions to as well as being pointed to the backend. You are now ready to create an app account and follow the in app flow to find your charger on the platform and commission it to your account so you can begin to use the app.

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