I can’t find the PIN code of my BG SyncEV charger

The PIN code of the BG SyncEV charger is marked as ‘PIN Code’ which can be found in 2 possible locations:

1. In the packaging box with all the paperwork, leaflets and manuals you should receive 2 stickers labeled as ‘EV Charger Identification’ which has the PIN Code and other important admin information.

2. If you do not have the above 2 stickers, then you can locate an internal sticker within the charger. Do this by powering the charger off, unclipping the outer face plate and unscrewing the front housing. Proceed with caution. You should see a sticker as shown below towards the bottom of the charger. It is recommended to take an image of this and keep it safe for the future. Carefully reconnect all parts of the charger back together.

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