I can’t find the PIN code of my Easee charger

When you first received your charger the PIN code would have been on the sticker on the front of your Chargeberry. The installer may have moved this to the back of the instruction manual after installation, or the inside of your fuse box door.

- If your Easee charger has been added to the Easee Portal you can easily find the PIN code - just select your charger under Products and you will find the PIN code under Info.

- If you have already added your charger to the Easee App, the PIN code can be found under the chargers product card - go to Charger settings and tap Details (you may have to press an "eye" icon to reveal the PIN code).

- If you have lost or forgotten your PIN code and cannot access the charger in the Easee Portal or App, it can be sent to the owner again, or you can directly pair a charger to your account if the charger does not have an owner.

1. Open the Easee app > Open the main menu > Select Products

2. Add a new product > Enter the serial number > Tap "Where can I find my PIN?" > Tap Don't have a PIN code?

3. Activate the chargers WiFi Hotspot by following the steps in the app

4. The PIN will be sent to the owner of the charger via SMS. If the charger isn't set up with an owner the charger will be directly added to your app

Please note - in order to obtain a pin code the charger must be configured by your installer.

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