How discontinued support for 3G networks may affect your ability to use

Several network providers will discontinue their 3G cellular services at the end of February 2022. Once 3G services are discontinued, some vehicles without an updated modem capable of 4G/LTE will be unable to use the app, in addition to any other connected car features.

Here is a list of the makes and models that may be affected and steps you can take to upgrade your modem.


Model - Model S

Year - 2015

How to establish whether you require a modem replacement

Cars affected are those specifically built before June 2015. You can confirm your vehicle’s cellular network by looking at the connectivity status bars/icon near the top of the touchscreen. If ‘LTE’ is displayed next to this icon at any time (may require stable cellular connectivity), your vehicle will not be affected by the 3G network shutdown.

How can I get my modem replaced?

To purchase and have this modem installed by Tesla, simply schedule a service appointment through your Tesla mobile app. Select ‘Schedule Service’ > ‘Upgrades & Accessories’ > ‘LTE Upgrade.’


Model - A3 e-tron

Year - 2016, 2017, 2018

How can I get my modem replaced?

You will need to contact your local Audi dealership to establish the best way of keeping connected services on your vehicle.


Model - All models

Year - 2017 and earlier


As things stand BMW have yet to confirm exactly which models and years will be affected, but we believe it's likely to be 2017 or earlier.

How can I get my modem replaced?

Certain models should be eligible for a free upgrade. BMW should reach out to you via email if you qualify.


Model - Pacifica

Year - 2017

How can I get my modem replaced?

Hardware upgrade will not be available, but you will be able to opt in to having a 4G dongle sent to you. Please contact your local dealership to arrange.


Model - C-MAX

Year - 2017


We're unable to find model or year information for which vehicles will be impacted. Our best guess is those on the MyFordMobile Platform: C-MAX Energi, Focus, Fusion.

How can I get my modem replaced?

Please contact your local dealership.


Model - Leaf

Year - 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015

How can I get my modem replaced?

Please contact your local dealership.


Model - Sonata

Year - 2016

How can I get my modem replaced?

Please contact your local dealership.


Model - e-Golf

Year - 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019

How can I get my modem replaced?

More information will be made available by VW closer to the termination date.

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