ev.energy Leads EV Virtual Power Plants in Wood Mackenzie Market Report

September 5, 2024
ev.energy Media Team

LONDON, UK, September 5th, 2024 - ev.energy, the leading global software solution provider integrating Electric Vehicles (EVs) into Virtual Power Plants (VPPs), has been named the top EV specialist Distributed Energy Resource Management System (DERMS) in Wood Mackenzie’s latest North America Virtual Power Plant Report. The recognition underscores ev.energy's pivotal role in the global shift towards electric transportation, renewable energy, and grid modernization.

VPPs, which aggregate decentralized energy resources like solar panels, wind turbines, and batteries, have emerged as a flexible and reliable alternative to traditional power plants, enhancing grid resilience while reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

The Wood Mackenzie report highlights the rapid growth of VPPs in North America, where they have advanced "well beyond the pilot stage", now boasting a total capacity of 33 GW. The report underscores the game-changing potential of EVs, provided the right technology and customer engagement strategies are in place.

As the integration of EVs into VPPs becomes more widespread, the need for EV grid management specialists like ev.energy is more critical. EVs require sophisticated, real-time management to optimize their contributions to the grid while meeting customer needs. With its advanced platform and deep expertise, ev.energy is at the forefront of this transition, leading the way in harnessing the full potential of EVs within VPPs.

ev.energy’s platform is revolutionizing how utilities manage EVs and has already been deployed by 55 utilities across North America and Europe. The platform empowers utilities to engage customers, reduce energy bills, and alleviate grid congestion. Increasingly, utilities are leveraging active managed charging to aggregate and dynamically control megawatts of EV load. By integrating with grid DERMS, ev.energy enables utilities to automatically dispatch a VPP of EVs, effectively managing localized network constraints and optimizing energy demand.

Wood Mackenzie’s recognition follows ev.energy’s recent initiatives and advancements, including: 

  • Enhancing Network Reliability in the UK: In partnership with National Grid Electricity Distribution and UK Power Networks, ev.energy’s platform has been dispatched over 10,000 times in the past 12 months to enhance network reliability, resilience, and affordability. By providing a clean energy resource, these VPPs help manage power flows and defer costly network investments.
  • Pioneering EV Energy Reserve Services: ev.energy became the first company to harness EVs to deliver energy reserve services to the UK’s Electricity System Operator through the STOR (Short-Term Operating Reserve) program.
  • Integrating with Wholesale Markets in California: Following the award of a $41M grant from the California Energy Commission, ev.energy is partnering with utilities and EV ecosystem partners to develop a grid-integrated, statewide VPP of EVs, with a controllable load target of 300 MW. The ChargeWise project includes working with MCE and SVCE to optimize EV charging based on the day-ahead electricity wholesale price to reduce customer bills and maximize renewable energy.

"ev.energy’s leadership in the Virtual Power Plant market, as highlighted by the Wood Mackenzie report, underscores the transformative potential of our technology. By seamlessly integrating EVs into VPPs, we’re not only enabling utilities to better manage grid challenges but also paving the way for a cleaner, more resilient energy future.", said William Goldsmith, Director of Strategy & Innovation at ev.energy.

About ev.energy

ev.energy is a Certified B Corporation® with a mission to make EV charging greener, cheaper, and smarter for utilities and their customers. Its end-to-end software platform wirelessly connects to a range of electric vehicles and chargers to intelligently manage EV charging while working with utilities to put cash back in customers’ wallets for charging at grid-friendly times. With a global base of utility, vehicle OEM, and EVSE partners, ev.energy manages more than 150,000 EVs on its platform each day. Learn more at https://www.ev.energy/. 

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